Guatemala El Boqueron

from $17.00

This bean is grown in the mountainous Santa Rosa region of Guatemala which is home to a cooperative of 250 smallholder farmers who contribute to this Boqueron coffee. The farmers harvest over the short period of December and February thereby ensuring peak ripeness. Bean consistency and uniformity across 250 farmers is achieved through a coordinated single delivery to the wet mill, facilitating and ensuring only the most evenly ripe coffee cherries are selected for processing.

Country - Guatemala

Region - Santa Rosa

Species - Arabica

Variety - Caturra, Catuai, Typica and Villa Sarchi

Altitude - 1900 metres above sea level

Process - Natural

Certification - Rainforest Alliance

Flavours - This is a complex and piquant single origin! A bold and rich mouthfeel of milk chocolate, hazelnut, strawberry and cherries. The buttery mouthfeel finishes with hints of toffee which lingers pleasantly on the palate.

Fun Facts about Guatemala:

  • Guatemala’s original name was Quauhtlemallan, meaning “place of many trees”. 

  • Coffee trees were originally brought to Guatemala by Jesuit missionaries in the mid-1700’s as ornamental plants. 

  • The government began offering tax exemptions for growing coffee in the mid-1800’s and the first recorded exports began sometime after 1850. 

  • Guatemala has over 300 microclimates - some that are the perfect climate for growing Cup of Excellence winning coffees!

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  • Ideally you should grind as you go. It’s important that your grind is matched to the coffee making process with plunger being very coarse and espresso being very fine.

  • To preserve all those delicate flavours of freshly roasted beans, store them in either an opaque collapsible air tight container or vacuum sealed bag at room temperature away from direct sunlight.